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Currently, IELTS is recognized by more than 10,000 institutions including universities, professional organizations and government agencies around the world. IELTS (International English Testing System) helps students to open up many career opportunities at multinational corporations, study abroad and settle in countries where English is the main language. The program of studying and practising IELTS examination at the Center is designed in 4 levels with the purpose of helping to improve English ability in general and IELTS skills in particular for students.

1. IELTS Foundation/ Pre-IELTS Course:

Subject: Students have achieved an entry score of 3.5.

Course objectives: Providing background knowledge for those who are just starting to study IELTS. The course enhances reflexes, confidence, vocabulary and the ability to pronounce correctly, providing background knowledge of the IELTS curriculum.

Materials: Tips for IELTS; Pre IELTS fighter 3.5-4.0 +

Commition to get the output point: 4.5         

2. IELTS Course level 1:

Subject: Students have achieved an entry score of 4.0

Course objectives:

This course provides background knowledge for the IELTS examination. It is designed specifically for those who are not confident in using English in an academic and daily communicative environment. The course helps students enhance the flexibility, confidence, vocabulary and accurate pronunciation. 

Material: Complete IELTS bands 4-5, Cambridge University Press.

Commition to get the output point: 5.5

3. IELTS Course level 2:

 Subject: Students have achieved an entry score of 5.0

 Course objectives:

The course focuses on developing 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing equally. It is divided into each topic and the lessons concentrate on the important contents of the IELTS examination. The variety of exercises and The abundance of topics help students master all the necessary knowledge to achieve Band 6.0.

Materials: Complete IELTS bands 5-6.5, Cambridge University Press.

Commition to get the output point: 6.0

4. IELTS Course level 3:

 Subject: Students have achieved an entry score of 6.0  

 Course objectives:

The course is for students who have input level from 6.0, providing all the advanced knowledge about vocabulary, structure, analysis, and test organization to achieve 7.0 level in the IELTS test. The course helps to provide more sophisticated writing techniques, advanced vocabulary, and how to plan answers in all 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in advanced level, helping you reach goals 7.5 or higher.

Material: Complete IELTS bands 6.5-7.5, Cambridge University Press. 

Commition to get the output point: 7.5.

Contact Us

Contact information IGEN Foreign Language Center

Address: 49 Tran Van Can street, Hoa Xuan ward, Da Nang city.

Hotline: 0917.982.345



Da Nang IGEN Foreign Language Center: Medical English; Business English; Information Technology English; The Expanding and Consolidation of General English Education Program; Training IELTS; Basic and communication English; English for teenagers; English for Younger Learners; Preschool English; English for the Service Industry.

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